
“A little over three years ago I had come to a difficult juncture that I just couldn’t seem to get over. As a pastor, I knew there were more tools that could help me become more like Jesus. Meeting Doug and experiencing spiritual direction literally changed my life. It’s my opinion that ALL pastors should be in spiritual direction.”

Josh, Worship pastor, Mi

“I own a small business and am a dad/foster dad to 3 under 5. It feels cliche to say, but my life is busy, and I don't regularly enough allow myself to slow down, reflect, and pay careful enough attention to God's hand in my life in the midst of all of it. Doug and Bending Branches, help me to slow down and see that and, hopefully, even join with the Lord in the midst of what he's already doing in my life.”

Caleb, Small business owner, PA

“During my Spiritual Direction Certification program, Doug has not only been my Spiritual Director, providing a sacred space to rest every month, but models beautifully the art of Spiritual Direction. Doug companions me in my ministry, education, and life.”

Tiger, Coach and director of training