Douglas Moister Douglas Moister

House Plants


My wife Mear loves house plants. Last I counted she has 23, no... 25. Some of you might think that is more than enough, and some may laugh at how small that number is. I like the life they bring to our home, and that my home has far superior oxygen than other homes. This weekend was move-up weekend for some of the plants. She was repotting the plants that grew over winter and I watched and reflected on my life with God. As we have been looking at our rhythms over the past month, I couldn't help but to see deep correlations between the way Mear cares for her plants and how Jesus cares for us and invites us to care for our souls.

- She worries about how much light they are getting, and it is never enough. There is something about putting your soul in a place where it is constantly in the presence of Jesus; for me, that is worship, it is where heaven seems close to earth, and it is where I can sense Jesus' nearness.

- She waters them, and sometimes she thinks she drowns them. There are times when I long to be drowned in the presence of God and to have him water my dry soul.

- When they grow, and they always do, she puts these growing beauties into larger pots so they will continue to flourish. Sometimes my growth in Jesus needs more space. As we mature, we always move on to a place where God wants us to go... not go back to. I believe that God's love for me is expanding and it brings a deep sense of awe. I will spend my life looking to find the depth, height and width until the day I die.... and it will be fun to plumb these depths.

- All of her plants multiply and have baby plants that she cares for and gives away. Our faith is not for us, it is to be a blessing to the world - plants give off beauty and oxygen. Followers of Jesus are called to be disciples that love God and proclaim the kingdom of heaven. We bring the presence of Christ wherever we go. We are blessed to bless others.

- Sometime I catch Mear just looking and admiring her plants. When was the last time I just stopped to look at God? To take note of His beauty, His love for me? To wonder at His bigness, kindness, patience, majesty, holiness. I want to stop and admire God more.

As you move into this week, may God give you the eyes to see His invitation to connect with Him in the ordinary simple tasks of the week and may you begin to practice new rhythms of grace that bring you closer to Jesus.

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